Our Ultimate Femme Fatale Sharmadean Reid

Melissa's Wardrobe  
Age: 32
How she got started?
  • Sharmadean is the founder of WAH nails. WAH nails is an innovative beauty brand, where nail art is as creative and outlandish as you chose.
  • She has always been interested in beauty and style and she was previously a stylist and brand consultant.
  • In 2008, she got her idea from the frustration at explaining what nail design she wanted at salons, and the end result was never what she truly wanted.
  • She was also spurred on by the financial crash in 2008, under the realisation that she didn't have concrete job security like a more well-established stylist would have. Her own business would allow her financial independence.
  • She started WAH nails as a fanzine in 2006, then eventually opened a salon on Kingsland Road, East London in 2009.
  • She educated herself on nails and nail art, and did everything she could to stay afloat whilst the business was created.
  • With a loan from a friend she started her business. Her research with people from her community showed her business was possible.
✩ 'trying to raise money for your business is a full time job.
✩ 'I don't want anyone to make the same mistakes that I'm making or made.
✩ 'Don't just focus on money. I spent time building a brand value and a fan base.'
Why we love her
 She has received an MBE for the contribution she's made to the beauty industry.
She has a lot of self-belief and confidence and that shows in her business decisions.
 She is conscious about helping other women get into business with her WAH power lunches.
 She supports other female businesswomen and ensures women are a major part of her business.
 She's built her business from scratch and changed the way we look at nail art.
 She's a working mum whose remained true to her values and built a fantastic brand how she intended to and refused to be lead by others. 
 She has received an MBE for the contribution she's made to the beauty industry.
 She has a lot of self-belief and confidence and that shows in her business decisions.
 She is conscious about helping other women get into business with her WAH power lunches.
She supports other female businesswomen and ensures women are a major part of her business.
 She's built her business from scratch and changed the way we look at nail art.
 She's a working mum whose remained true to her values and built a fantastic brand how she intended to, and refused to be lead by others.
 She's not afraid to admit failure; with recent Topshop concession closing down. However she's moved on to bigger and better things.
 She now has a flagship experiential salon in Soho, Central London, that has attracted heaps of praise for being innovative; mixing fashion, tech, beauty and culture, the customer gets the best experience possible
 She is now collaborating with Missguided.com, the online fashion retailers.