Demure Lashes Are Taking A Break!

Yes, sadly this is true - we are taking a break, but for all the good reasons. Demure Lashes is now in it's 3rd year of trading and we feel some changes need to be made to the brand, in order for us to provide the best products to our consumer (YOU). 

We'll be taking a break from the first of April to Summer. This break will allow us to make some great changes to the brand from the way we operate to the products we provide. Don't think we've forgotten about you though... In order for you to keep fully stocked up on our lashes, we'll be offering some amazing discounts to thank you for your support. From the 23rd-29th you can take advantage of 30% off lashes across all styles. 

We deeply apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but again, want to thank each and every one of you. Without your custom, Demure Lashes wouldn't be where it is today! 

Have any questions? Feel free to email:, or send us a DM/tweet. 

We can't wait to back and refreshed already! 


Demure Lashes xoxo